Six months or so ago a friend of mine asked if I could help with a mutual friend's daughter's bridal shower. (LOL that sounds crazier then it is-I promise!) I said sure :) So the theme was Cinderella.
The biggest challenge was to not make it look like a party for a 5 year old princess. Planning the shower was me and two other friends. After establishing what the games and things would be I went to Pinterest.
I also went to Kellybell Designs and purchased the Midnight Princess Kit. This kit was so awesome. Everything in frames was used with this kit and various fonts in my Photoshop Elements program. There were a few things I cut or print and cut from my Silhouette machine. We also knew we had to have a photo booth (SO FUN!) so I bought a Cinderella set from the Etsy store JoJo Digital Store.
Here are the pictures with photo credits to my friend Victoria R. Her pictures are the professional looking photos. It will be hard to tell (it won't be LOL-you'll know.) :)
Let's start with the invitations:
All Kellybell papers and elements except for the font is from Photoshop Elements. I even learned how to use a drop shadow. :) I made this digitally so that I could print them and cut them down to size for the cards.
We had 2 games on this table. Guess how many Hershey Kisses and the other was a Ring Game where if certain words were said you could take the other person's ring. Whoever had the most rings at the end of the time won a prize.
I had post card papers-a whole box that my dad gave me years ago. They were perfect for printing the guessing cards on. This is the Kisses guessing card. I created this using the Midnight Princess Kit from Kellybell and a font from Photoshop Elements.
This is the Date Night table. This is where guests could give date night suggestions for the soon to be newlyweds.
My friend had an awesome patio area, and we were fortunate enough that the weather was nice (meaning hot but not raining! LOL)
This game is to guess how much all of the items cost all together.
Here's the answer card for this game.
Photo Booth! My friend put up this awesome grass wall.
Here are all of the photo booth props. I also had cut a few personalized ones for the Bride.
How we missed a picture of the Mimosa Bar...I'll never know LOL. Here is the sign which had a frame. I had printed up little labels for the juices and the fruits too. This was an absolute hit! We had orange juice, peach and mango nectar juice, and grapefruit juice. One of our friends had brought these cool jar pitchers to pour the juice out of. There was fruit too-but tricky to get out without making a mess. (at least for me LOL).
We gave out liquid soap from Bath and Body Works. I glued little veils on them and created the tags.
The centerpiece for the food table was beautiful. The mom of the bride spray painted this carriage and put the flowers in it. Here are the dishes before the food was plated. And we sprinkled these glitter hearts around.
I found this idea on Pinterest. I bought the charms from Amazon. And small doilies are a little harder to find than one might think. I found these at a 2nd Hobby Lobby. LOL. The silverware I bought at Party City along with the disposable champagne flutes for the Mimosa Bar. I love any excuse to go into Party City. :)
This game was out on the patio too. A different friend of our drank some wine for our cause. And one of the friends helping with the shower drank some beer for our cause. LOL. The crate came from Hobby Lobby. I cut the vinyl on the silhouette. And I glittered bottles for days with mod podge and a spray sealant.
Here is the sign. Somehow we missed taking a picture of this outside so I am very happy to have these.
The 3 of us giving the shower also put together a basket for the bride to be. I made her these fun wine glasses. Totally inspired by Pinterest. :)

Thank you for stopping today! :)